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Umar Niazi

Umar Niazi has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I have been working with PHP since 2003. I have experience in building workflow based systems in PHP.

I have good written and oral communication skills which make me stand out from the crowd of other freelancers.

I have worked with local and international companies before becoming a freelancer and this has helped me a lot in understanding the international clients. Thus I tasted a great success in freelancing world.

I have done Masters in IT (MS - IT) from School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) at National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. My major is databases and I worked on "Semantic Analysis of Micro-blogging tools".

I have great analytical skills and I can understand client requirements easily. Thus all the stages of converting an idea to a working product is done easily and smoothly.

I have worked with many APIs. I created as well as consumed RESTful APIs. I love working with Payment Gateways including Paypal, Stripe, eWay, WePay, Paytabs and many more. Some of the other APIs include 1ShoppingCart.com, Twillio (SMS and Calls), Mailchimp, SendGrid etc.

I love working on Admin Panel CMS based systems, CRMs, Workflow based systems. I can handle complex systems and tuning MYSQL for performance, query optimization and security of the applications in PHP based system.

On front end technologies, I can work with jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap etc too but I feel more like a seasoned back end developer who can help in designing databases for best performance too.