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avatar of Tyson Kamp

Tyson Kamp

Tyson Kamp has asked 0 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I went to college, studied physics, ended up with a math and cs degree. Computers have always been fun since playing lunar lander games and writing relatively useless basic programs on a TRS-80 when I was 10. I can't seem to make up my mind between exercise, intellectual pursuits, and socializing. It's starting to look like I never will but that's OK. I find each of these activities usually means the friends in each group are mutually exclusive but there are a few that like to talk about code, hard exercise, and and challenge each other to tear our opinions apart to hopefully become a little smarter.

For the last two decades I've been writing code professionally, training Brazilian jiu jitsu and backpacking. Life is great except I need a dog, and more time to travel, and need to be more community oriented. UPDATE: I started doing volunteer trail patrol for my local parks entity. Hey, it's a start.