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ttosh has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I make my living as a programmer and am very happy to say it is a fun and incredible hobby and part of my life.

I am an open source advocate but believe in a neutral approach in building software is best. This is based on the simple fact that most businesses I have worked with have existing solutions in place. They also have precious dollars invested in a certain platform and architecture already. So knowing how to take business requirements and break those down with this in mind always gives the best solution possible.

I am well versed in many languages. My favorites in a long list would be Java, C#, PHP, JavaScript and Objective C. I enjoy working on the front end using technologies such as React, Redux, Angular, Bootstrap as well as developing business logic and API's for internal and external use.

In regards to data and the storage of data I have worked on MYSQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server. I have also worked with various ORM's and NoSQL database architectures on local and cloud servers.

My long term goals are to continue to grow as a person and developer as well as continue to enjoy learning new technologies as they become relevant in our industry. I hope to be able to contribute to a few open source projects later this year. I am also planning to speak at a few of the local tech conferences later this year on topics regarding cloud and mobile development.

Specialties: I understand business processes and how important they are to a Software Solution. Too many great programmers forget to step back and see the big picture, learn the business processes and user stories first. They build what they want instead of spending time with the users and investors of the application. I have learned this the hard way of doing so myself.