BY DAY: Software Architect in Plex Systems R&D specializing in Azure solutions (API Management, Logic Apps, Stream Analytics, etc.)
BY NIGHT: Teaching math at Oakland Community College (Go Raiders!)
FOR FUN: Reading, writing, bicycling
"I read a lot, but I am not skilled at choosing books and I probably read things that are inappropriate. But all the same, the longer I live, the greater is my desire to know. ...I'm almost an old man, but I know hardly anything, hardly anything at all! But despite that it seems to me that the most important and the most real things I do know, I know them for certain. Somehow I would like to prove to you that there is no happiness, there must not and there cannot be happiness for us..." - Three Sisters, Act Two by Anton P. Chekhov, Gerard R. Ledger translator
“Everywhere I go, I find a poet has been there before me.” - Sigmund Freud