I got hooked on programming in 1980 at Argonne National Labs when they got an Apple ][ and were looking to make it do something. I wrote a data collection and plotting program that automated a lot of drudgery out of the environmental studies lab and I've never looked back. I've spent all but six years as a consultant learning new businesses and coding up solutions. I have a particular fondness for embedded systems. Now I find myself spending more and more time creating online video training courses for programmers.
My latest Pluralsight course - Integrating Qt Quick With C++ went live on Pluralsight at the first quarter of 2015. This is the final course in the Qt Trilogy.
An upcoming course: Introduction to Ada 2012 is slated to be published in July 2015.
I also have two earlier courses from 2013 The Eclipse Guided Tour - Part 1 and Part 2
Twitter: @TodGentille