Full-time Worker-Bee && Full-time Curiosity Explorer
My curiosity has recently taken me to the Computer Science realm and thanks to Harvard's CS50 online course, I feel capable of grasping concepts I once deemed "for the people who devote their lives to it".
Now that I've really wrapped my mind around how to explore my own computer (and moved to Linux ;)), it's all I can think about.
I've touched upon C, python, SQLite, and a few python modules (pyGame, flask) and recently I've been particularly interested in shell scripts and linux's "notepad style" deep settings.
All I really know right now is that this newly found confidence in trying to understand the innards of the software I use everyday or the innards of the websites I'm on, will now be my primary focus.
Code to solve a problem. Code to learn. Code for fun. But most importantly, know when a problem would suffer if you code its solution.