I’m driven by a strong belief in excitement. I always aim for the excitement of my clients. With more than five years of work experience as Software Engineer and Software Consultant I have a profound knowledge in software development. In the last two years, I additionally gained a deep knowledge of realizing solutions and products for the Internet of Things. I have a successful track record in various industries like automotive, healthcare, domestic heating and agriculture and I’m a reliable team player with excellent communication skills. I’m a highly skilled proactive worker with extensive software development experience and expertise in conducting projects with teams all over the globe.
I'm specialized in: Software developing, requirements engineering, software architecture, product owner ship, pre-sales, project management and consulting
and have experience in the following technologies: OOA, OOD, Software-Architektur, JavaSE/ME/3D/EE, Spring, XMPP, SOA, SOAP, C++, C#, Cg, Swing, AWT, OpenGL, Smalltalk, Softimage XSI, Maya, VRML, Glassfish, OSGi, ITIL