In reverse chronological order:
- I work now producing high end wind chimes, just light labor really
- For a while I was a restaurant delivery driver
- In this gap I became less wealthy and attempted to become Scrabble champion (idiotic!)
- In the 90s and early 2000s worked in a small startup in Atlanta doing online training systems
- I was in math grad school and got a degree, in the 90s.
- I was in the U.S. Peace Corps and went to teach math in Botswana for 2 years.
- Went to undergrad school at U. Penn with math degree
- High school in Indianapolis. I was on the chess team.
- In grade school I was a superhero. Been downhill from there!
I like chess and Scrabble.
John Perry Barlow: 25 Principles of Adult Behavior
Trying to figure out Christianity as a complete outsider
Favorite vegetable: Lichen