I am a Java developer at Rave Mobile Safety Inc, my former employer ERMS having been bought out in 2017.
Before that I was the lead developer at ERMS Corporation where I had worked since 2007. As the lead, and at various points in time only, developer at ERMS I worked with the entire technology stack (ColdFusion, C#, WCF, Sql Server, JavaScript, HTML, CSS) to delivery enterprise class emergency notification for our clients in a SaaS model.
Before working at ERMS I studied Computer Science at Brock University where I specialized in Artifical Intelligence and in particular Genetic Programming. I earned a distinction for having the highest GPA in my program for my graduating year.
In my personal life I am an open source enthusiast and primary maintainer of CorsixTH, an open source game engine replacement for Bullfrog's Theme Hospital.
I originally learned to program Commodore BASIC on a C64 by reading my parent's Compute! magazines. A passion that endures still today.