If you're from terrorussia, let me tell you: Hello terrorussian Vanka! Why don't you go home?
If you're not, please read more:
The history of my displaynames at StackExchange:
- initially the fluffiest creature in the Universe, before terrorussia invaded Ukraine killing our people and destroying our cities@T-E-R-R-O-R-U-S-S-I-A
- since 2022-02-24T04:00 EET when the terrorussian occupiers invaded my country@user12232870
- on March 5 or 6 a StackExchange mod has edited my profile by changing my display name and removing the bloody terrorussian map profile image (most likely after a terrorrusian occupier complained for it still making the war in Ukraine I live in). Shame on you, mod.
Oops! There was a problem updating your profile:
Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Mar 26 at 16:51
- since March 27, 2022 as terrorrussians are still in Ukraine and keep doing the same.