Hi there! I hope that I can be of some help on Stackoverflow!
Things that I do now:
Experimenting with Unity 3D apps, not only for games, but also for business.
Also working on my music compose/play iPad apps RavelNotes, RavelNotesBasic (in Apple's Appstore) and RavelnotesPro. Originally in Objective C but now in Swift.
Since 2012: Application development for iPad, iPhone, using Xcode with Objective-C and Swift (recently), SQLite. and/or Unity.
The following is currently more or less in a passive state:
Since 2005: MsWindows desktop and tablet db apps using .NET C#. with Microsoft Visual Studio, MySQL, Postgres, SQLite.
Since 2003: Java/Swing/JavaFX Desktop GUI applications and Web services (REST) with any SQL based database.
Ancient technology:
I prefer to write in English, however German and Dutch (native) are also supported.