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Ted Tedson

Ted Tedson has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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My experience in a few sentences:

Programming with Java, C#, C/C++, PIC Assembler;

Technologies and frameworks: Android SDK, Vaadin UI framework, Swing, AWT, .NET4, MPLab, Proteus, XML, UML, TortoiseGit, TortoiseSVN, GitHub;

I have еxtensive interests in hardware, PIC programming, embeded systems, artificial intelligence and robotics;

Own projects:

TRobot: The robot is made of Microchip PIC18F452 MCU, Toshiba TB6612FNG motor driver, Tamiya 70168 double gearbox, Tamiya wheels and chasis. The first version of the software is written in assembler, the second one in C. The robot is remotely controlled by Android device. The connection is made using Microchip RN-42 bluetooth module. The protocol used for the communication between the PIC and the RN-42 is UART. The robot is able to automatically avoid obstacles using IR sensors. You can see two different versions of the robot by following these links:



Android file uploader: The user chooses a file for upload. The program converts the file into base64 text representation and posts the data to a web server using the HTTP POST method. On the server side a perl script gets the string, decodes it and saves it to a file.

Windows file uploader: It's written in C++ and uses the same back end perl script. The program converts binary files into base64 text representation and posts the data to a web server using the HTTP POST method. On the server side a perl script gets the string, decodes it and saves it as a binary file.

Tank battle game written in C++: The player must destroy all the enemy tanks. There are some obstacles on his way.

CPU benchmark written in C#: The benchmark starts several threads and measures the time needed for the threads to finish their job.

Mail blocking program: ABV.bg mail access blocking program written in VB.

Ted Tedson answers