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Tayyab has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Hi, I’m Tayyab, a freelance creative web designer with 2+ years of professional experience.

As a designer, I understand the perfect user interface should look good and work even better. Alongside my clients, I uncover problems and solve them.

I am always hungry for new challenges and innovations. I am privileged to say that I have had some great working experience.

I love working with agencies and brands to help them realize their goal of creating truly outstanding digital properties that get them and their clients the results they need.

I’m passionate about the power of colors and shapes in developing a great new design, and JavaScript offers me endless fascinating possibilities in devising just the right solution for companies all around the world.

The devil, of course, is in the detail, which is why it’s important for me to not only be creative but also to pay meticulous attention to detail so my clients get the results they want.

I write and speak about design and am fortunate to have worked with incredibly talented people across different companies.


  • Adobe
  • Angular
  • Communication Skills
  • CSS3
  • SCSS
  • Git
  • Github
  • Grunt
  • Gulp
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • NodeJS

What I'm Looking For

I'd love to work for a small to medium size company on web designing and development. My expertise is mostly web design and making designs for various CMS platforms and for the past year or so enterprise development and design thinking have been my life. It would be great to work remotely or in PK.

Tayyab questions

Tayyab answers