A passion for coding, creative content and creation led to the discovery of the world of codes to me. Starting as early as in the age of 12, I designed my first website. Majoring in the same field of studies, I never looked backed from the world of debugging.
It all started with my first ever website at the age of 12, based on my favorite cartoon back then: Pokemon. (I would be a traitor if I hadn't mentioned my childhood's heaven.) And since then, the hobby followed and shaped into passion, and passion into life. Links title to my featured project.
Traditional Coding
It soon followed into my academic as well as professional career. Working with some integrated solutions of C, C++ and Java. I majored in Computer Science conceptualizing the system language and hard-coded Machine language.
Skilled Development - Android
Over the years, I have moved onto develop in major languages and have developed cross-platform applications, even featuring Mobile Application Development.