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Taghi Khavari

Taghi Khavari has asked 3 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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The spark I was missing ignited the instant I clicked play on my first Frontend web development tutorial video. (I mean seriously, how could it not be great when all the world needs the internet and the web?) Since then, I can't get enough. Front-end web development calls to all my passions; it incorporates creativity and problem solving and I'm allowed to break it to improve the code (in a separate Git branch, of course).

I love applying responsive design principles and watching my web pages shrink into mobile screens and still look amazing. It's oddly satisfying. I think in a way I'm kind of like those web pages; I'm moldable, but I still keep my creative flair intact.

My specialties include quickly learning new skills and programming languages, problem-solving, responsive design principles, website optimization, and methods of organizing code. So far I have Typescript, JavaScript, Reactjs, Redux, Redux thunk, Redux-Saga, Material UI, Styled Components, Webpack, Babel, Jest, Enzyme, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, and Git/GitHub under my belt.

There's certainly yet more to learn, yet more problems to solve, and yet more to build. And for this, I'm still enthusiastically grabbing onto any other programming languages, frameworks, or principles I can integrate into the coding. I educate, refine, and drive myself to be a better person - I am constantly learning because I never settle - I stay calm when faced with adversity - I focus on making high-quality decisions.