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Syed Umer Hasan

Syed Umer Hasan has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I am a passionate Full Stack Software Engineer who is eager to learn and grow in the field of Software Development. Who not only wants to ship code faster but considers tested and documented code as the most important part of the software development cycle. I am not a conventional developer I would say. I need very challenging problems that are considered to be impossible to unleash my potential and that's why I play in a team. I consider working in a team the most important part of development, because diversity makes any product better. If you want me to summarize me as a person. I am a person who is open to diversity, thoughts, listens and accepts everything that needs improvements and with the habit of reading Self Help books. With my small years of experience, I have found that being a good human being is more important than being a good developer. I love helping my juniors and look forward to being a lifelong learner.


  1. Programming Languages C#, Javascript, Typescript, .NET, .NET Core, JAVA, C++

  2. FrontEnd Development HTML, CSS (Grids and Flexbox), Web Components, SASS, LESS, Tailwind, Chakra React (Change Detection, Functional, Class components, Memo, Custom Hooks, Performance Optimization, Component Life Cycle, Pure components, JSX in Depth, TypeChecking, Portal Concept, Deep understanding of how Virtual DOM works)

Angular (Most Advanced Change Detection, Micro Frontends, Two way Binding, SSR, Property/Event Binding, Dependency Injections, Design Patterns Implementation, Lazy loading, Custom Pipes/Directives, Modules) Service Workers Browser Storage (Cookies, Session Storage, Local Storage, IndexedDB, Cookies, JWT) Web security (Content/Connection Security, CORS,CSP, CSRF, Same Origin Policy)

GraphQL, Redux, Flux, React Query, Lazy Loading, Tree Shaking, Frontend Cache, Server Sided Cache, SSL, GZip Compression.

Javascript Bundler Webpack, Rollup, ViteJS, GulpJS, rollup

  1. Backend technologies

Laravel (Routing, Views, Eloquent ORM, Controllers, Middleware, Models & Migrations, Requests, Responses, Seeder)

.NET (Desktop Application, MVC, WEB API, Window Service, Batch Files based Task Schedulers, Entity Framework, ADO.NET, NHibernate)

NodeJS ( AWS Lambda, GCP Functions,Azure Functions) NodeJS build Runtimes (ES, CommonJS, UMD)

  1. Google Cloud Virtual Machines, Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud SQL, Cloud CDN/VPC, Cloud DNS/Domain, Managed/Unmanaged Instances, Load balancing

  2. AWS EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, Cloud Watch, Elastic Search, DynamoDB, Cognito, Route 53, LightSail

Syed Umer Hasan questions