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Sudhir kumar

Sudhir kumar has asked 3 questions and find answers to 7 problems.


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I am very passionate about technology and driven to build solutions that make life easier for millions of people. I am very keen to develop a product that earn 5 star rating. I do really love writing codes, In fact i live for coding and got excited when got an opportunity to write Product from scratch. I am always ready to go for extra mile to fetch best out of me. I am highly motivated and passionately follow engineering best practices. I enjoy learning and mastering bleeding edge technologies.


  • Strong Data structures and Algorithms Knowledge.

  • SDLC of iOS application (From product idea to iTunes upload).

  • Expertise in building complex layouts with UIKit.

  • Agile Methodology for developing all apps till now

  • Apple Certificate and Device profile Management (Development+Distribution).

  • Worked on Bug Tracking/ Reporting tools like Atlassian JIRA , Fish Eye.

  • Worked on JENKINS (Continuous Integration) ,SVNX and GIT for version control.

  • Comfortable with Open Source Development Kits

  • Comfortable in all/any kind of Client Interactions and Reporting

  • MultiThreading and Optimisation.

Interest : Love writing code and working in startup