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Storm-Eyes has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I taped my first letter on computer, when I was writing a basic program. However, I did not know what I was doing at that time.

A minute later, I decided to learn C, after I happened to pick up a "C programming Language and surprised that I knew what "hello.c" would do. However, I knew nothing about OS and compilers.

I learned Foxpro a few months because databases was prevail. However, I did not know what is the difference between the data in database and the data in a C program.

I moved to VBA in order to make something useful before I got to know what makes an office document different with a plain text.

I came into the plain of programming, riding Perl, before I really understood OOP.

I switched my horse to Python and finished my first real work. However, I was still got a headache on callback functions and closure.

With the alliance of HTML5, I finished my shabby website. However, my had no idea on what is the elegant code means.

Now, I am in Haskell, Haskell for Great Good.