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stelloprint has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I have 3+ years of experience as a Solutions Consultant in data visualization and API design (OpenAPI). Throughout this time I have pursued opportunities for personal development in web development. I decided to pursue software development full time and I am now attending the Coding Boot Camp at the University of Texas ending on March 2021.

I have always been a product expert and I am used to collaborating with developers, product managers, and software architects. I use my deep understanding of a platform and industry to identify valuable applications for my company’s products.

I am a confident presenter and teacher that can explain complicated concepts to obtain actionable results. Communication is essential for any project, especially when they require team-work and problem-solving.

I have a strong understanding of Javascript, HTML, and CSS (including frameworks or tools such as Bootstrap, jQuery, and Materialize). I am also proficient with Python for data analysis and as a backend (Django & the Wagtail CMS). I am comfortable using R and Docker as well. I am currently expanding my knowledge into Node, Express, MongoDB, and MySQL. Additionally, I am proficient in using Tableau for data visualization, Stoplight for API design & documentation, Spectral for OpenAPI linting & validation, and Prism for API mocking & contract testing.

I am open to work and looking for opportunities to put my skills into practice. My portfolio contains work I have been developing over the years and it is available here: https://stephenlprice.github.io/portfolio/

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