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avatar of Stefan Arambasich

Stefan Arambasich

Stefan Arambasich has asked 6 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Hi, I'm Stefan! Nice to meet you. I'm a software engineer who loves to travel and experience life.

I am a backend and mobile engineer. I bring creative and unique user experiences to your servers and finger tips. I love working with technology and finding ways to solve problems creatively using the latest methodologies.

The technologies I work with heavily include Apple technologies like Swift, Objective-C, and Xcode. I've also worked in Ruby/Rails, Python, and Golang. I've helped build pipelines using tools such as RabbitMQ (AMQP) and Elastic Search. I have experience with continuous integration and deployment and TDD.

I find a lot of interest in some programming language theory. I love learning new ideas, and I am rewarded by explaining these concepts to people. This passion for teaching finds me volunteering as a TA for various computer classes taught at a local org.

I am a compulsive tea drinker, animal rights activist ⓥ, transportation enthusiast, bike rider, nature lover, and foodie. I pride myself on best practices, intuition, and resourcefulness. I love solving problems, and I love helping people accomplish their goals.