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At this point in time I have only ever worked with computers as a hobby. Something I have been passionate about since I was very young, which I've noticed majority of 'tech' people who enjoy computers, and controlling the way a computer functions, have had interest from a very young age (with the exception that in recent years people of all ages have become aware of how powerful computers are, and of course with a simple GUI OS users of all skill levels have started fiddling with computers, not to mention the internet.

I have previously had experience with C, C++ and C#, which began simply by experimenting. At the moment however I am very interested in the computer's architecture, and have even gone as far as learning a variation of Assembly language for Windows on the 32-bit system, in the attempt to better my understanding of how a language much closer to the hardware actually works. When working with Assembly, for some bizarre reason I really enjoy the 'cryptic' looking syntax, which is definitely a requirement when trying make use of Assembly language.

SomeRandomProgrammer questions