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sohel yadav

sohel yadav has asked 0 questions and find answers to 20 problems.


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Native and Cross-platform Mobile Application Developer with 2+ years of experience in developing Android & Flutter(iOS) and basic knowledge in Google cloud platform, AWS and Nodejs. B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering.

Built several applications covering a wide area of usage such as Utility Apps, End Consumer Apps, E-Commerce Apps, Location-based Apps, etc.


  • Extensive knowledge of Android App development using Java, Kotlin.

  • Extensive knowledge of Cross-platform mobile application development using Flutter framework.

  • Extensive knowledge of Material design.

  • Expertise working with databases such as SQLite (Room).

  • Good knowledge of designing tools and platforms such as Sketch, Zeplin, Adobe Xd and Adobe Photoshop. Experienced in creating app flow and wireframes using various tools such as Flowmapp.

  • Understanding of various coding patterns such as MVC, MVP, BLoC.

  • Experienced with frameworks/libraries such as RxDart, RxJava2, Retrofit, Data binding, Butterknife, Event bus Android Architectural Components, etc

  • Experienced in integrating Payment Gateways such as Razorpay, Mosambee POS.

  • Experienced in 3rd Party APIs such as Google AdMob, Google Maps, Google Places, Firebase, Youtube API, Facebook Graph API, Exo Player, Google Vision API etc

  • Used Fabric.io and Firebase Crashlytics for crash reports. Firebase Analytics and Google Analytics for tracking user behaviour and events.

  • Expertise working with firebase push notifications (default, custom, Image).

  • Experienced in integrating the apps with Social media kits such as Google, Facebook.

  • Hands on Experience in NodeJs (Express framework).

  • Expertise working with mobile application deployment over Google playStore and iOS appStore.

  • Expertise working with GIT (distributed version control system).