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Slipstream has asked 0 questions and find answers to 39 problems.


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Professional Web Developer, Software Engineer

I started my career as a Web Developer and have been programming professionally for over 15 years in a variety of technologies and languages, including Python, PHP, GoLang, and JavaScript to name a few, and databases including relational SQL databases such as MySQL and Postgres as well as No-SQL databases such as Redis.

Since 2016 I have been focused on Python/Django almost exclusively, mainly in REST API development, integration systems and data management and analysis using back-end databases such as MySQL and Postgres. Recently I also doing frontend development using React and some mobile experience using React-Native.

I have spent a lot of time and effort learning and gaining an in-depth understanding of Full-stack technologies such as Python, Django and React. I’m definitely a Python enthusiast for many reasons.

Python | Django | Django Rest Framework | React | React Native | Docker

Stuff I've used or currently use:

  • Python
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • JavaScript ES6
  • React
  • ReactNative
  • Go
  • PHP, Codeigniter
  • MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Docker
  • Linux (CentOS, Debian)
  • Raspberry Pi, Arduino
  • And others...