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sidharth singh

sidharth singh has asked 3 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Just another Software Engineer, working in just another company. I love football (no, not AMERICAN FOOTBALL). I love the one that Messi plays, not the one that a bunch of angry kids play in America. Just kidding!! I am sure American Football is as riveting as Messi's Football.Just that it hasn't caught on in my part of the World. You would argue that my part of the World is third world. Then I would counter argue - "How come Football (Messi's) has made an inroad into this 3rd World Country which is ranked a shameful 167 in the FIFA Rankings. Anyway, I am losing the plot here. So moving on...

I love reading and writing. Please check my blogger if you ever get the time. http://sid08heart.blogspot.in/

I am an Indian. So naturally I am extremely fond of Cricket too. It would be sort of blasphemist if I did not mention that. I love travelling, especially in the hills. Though I must go and add in the same breath that I haven't really travelled that much. Nevertheless, travelling goes into pretty much every ABOUT ME section that I fill.

Lastly, this is a purely Technical Forum. So it is only justified if I mention at least something technical. I love Networks. I love writing code in Java, not a big fan of C. I have some knowledge of Perl. My latest area of interest - Rails. So be prepared folks. I am going to answer a very few questions but ask tonnes of questions myself.