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Sibin Francis

Sibin Francis has asked 4 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Specialized in Web Development, with more than 5 years of expertise writing, refactoring and customizing web applications. Interested in new technologies, design patterns and applying best practices to solve customer-focused and real-world engineering problems.

Works on analysis, design, and implementation of complex web systems using Agile Software Development Methodologies, writing code, unit tests, and developing specs with the use of TDD, Object Oriented Programming, Aspect Oriented Programming, and others programming paradigms.

Preferred technologies: - ECMAScript6+, JavaScript, NodeJS, HTML5 and CSS3 - JavaScript frameworks: Angular 6+ with TypeScript, MEAN - Libraries like: Underscore, LoDash, etc - RESTfull APIs development with NodeJS ExpressJS, MongooseJS, etc - SQL: MySQL, NoSQL: MongoDB

Also has experience working with PHP language. PHP Frameworks: Laravel5 with ORM Eloquent and CakePHP with ActiveRecord and Datamapper patterns. Template engines: Blade, Jade. RESTfull APIs in PHP with Laravel 5 and Lumen.

Managing Services on Linux servers e.g.Apache2, PHP5.x, MySQL5.x, MongoDB.

Control version: GIT

Favorite editor: Visual Studio Code, Sublime,PhpStrome

OS: Linux/Ubuntu, Windows 7/8