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Shezan Kazi

Shezan Kazi has asked 1 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I started my current career as a recruiter in late 2012 and did my job to the fullest of my capabilities until about a year later. It was then that I realized that in order to understand the need of my clients and candidates, I should perhaps understand what they do.

So I started reading books about coding, enlisting in online courses and even started my M.Sc. in Business Informatics at TU Darmstadt with focus on ML and Software Engineering. It took me some time, but today I feel fairly confident building scalable web apps (it seems everyone uses this phrase these days, so please let me join in).

I developed a CRM and ATS for our company from scratch using React + Django (drf) + PostgreSQL + ElasticSearch + heroku, that replaced our Bullhorn subscription and has elevated productivity and sales by >180% in 6 months. I rebuilt our Website with APIs to our CRM and Xings Job Feed using React SSR with next.js. I am currently working on new features for our CRM including semantic text analysis with tensorflow, a chatbot and a oAuth service for simplifying login management for our employees.

I like to do the things I love. Thus I code and I recruit.

Most of my github repos are private and the public ones are rather old and not so interesting...

If you want some info on how I combined django + react on heroku, hit me up and I'll be glad to share.