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Shah has asked 1 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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I am a Software Engineer focusing on mobile and web development with experience building products from the ground up. I bear accessibility, security, data privacy, and scalability in mind. My proficiency is Full Stack Development for mobile and web applications, often using React/React-Native, Typescript, and various tools to manage state. When it comes to the mobile side, I use native modules wherever possible using Xcode and Android Studio to make sure everything runs smoothly.

My appreciation for software engineering comes from a deep understanding of the lowest level of computer science due to my background in Electrical Engineering. I am multi-faceted with an aptitude for learning complex concepts and deeply understanding how they work. I have worked with a plethora of programming languages and tools, but I seem to stick with JavaScript due to its ability to seamlessly develop multiplatform applications.

I learned much of what I know from college courses, coding bootcamps, online learning, and reading countless lines of documentation and tech articles. I explored different languages, frameworks, and libraries until I could become proficient. By immersing myself I understood how to work through bugs, improve the structure of my work, and build tools alongside other engineers and verticals.

Front End: Node/JavaScript, TypeScript, React/React-Native.

Back End: NoSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Go lang with GraphQL/Apollo

State Management: Mobx-State-Tree, Redux, Hooks, Context API

Navigation: React-Navigation for mobile and React-Router for the web.

Other: Git, GitHub, Jira

Tech I'm working on learning more about... AWS, Godot, Blender.

Fun facts about me: I have three cats. NYC local, I immigrated from Pakistan when I was five-ish. First-generation to go to college. I can speak English fluently and I hope to be fluent in Mandarin, Hindi, and Spanish one day. I can also speak/understand a fair bit of Pashto, Urdu, Farsi, and Italian.

Hobbies: Art: Blender for 3D art, Aesprite for 2D pixel art Game Dev: I love working with Godot! Other: Exercise, cooking, trying out new foods, and learning about other cultures.

Shah questions