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Serkan Sipahi

Serkan Sipahi has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I like to play with compilers, parsers and tokens, therefore I’ve written compiler plugins for JavaScript and CSS to hold source code clean, beautiful, small and fast. I also write plugins that generate runtime code at compile time. This improves the performance which feels good. I am recently obsessed of streams and reactive programming (RxJS).

I have a high degree of social expertise and like to exchange my knowledge with other developers because I’m honest, open-minded and helpful. I consider myself autodidactic and I learn fast. Therefore I like coding in pair programming and have good experience in code reviews to reduce the code complexity for better understanding.

I have been working in the software industry for more than 10 years. For eight years now I’ve been developing with JavaScript and 7 years of them with plain Javascript and for almost three years with es6, es7. I like engineering and coding with bleeding-edge and state-of-the-art technologies by the javascript standard (W3C, TC39). Source code should be easy to read, should be tested and most importantly, it must be maintainable.

I started a year ago with Golang. It’s a big inspiration for me when I’m writing JavaScript code because it’s easy to understand, it’s well documented, powerful and developer-friendly. I’m not an expert in Golang but I’ve already been able to develop some production-ready applications.

Since Jan. 2018 I'm working for Ligatus GmbH where we mainly build Internal Web-Apps for our Publisher, Advertiser, Product and Sales Teams. My daily technology stack are Angular 6, Typescript, NgRx (Redux), Material2 and Docker. Im totally excited about Typescript. After many years of developing with plain Javascript i can say, Typescript is a must for every developer. It increases the daily productivity, it gives you type security in the productive system and it can save many hours of issue finding because of strongly typed language.

Of course, I also have weaknesses. While I have no problem reading or writing English, speaking or listening are sometimes a challenge. I’ve also leveraged my development skills here to get a better handle on the problem by writing a chrome-extension (https://goo.gl/ qr6K8K) to give me additional practice in listening English.

In my free time im working on several open-source projects which are maintained by myself. The main goal of these projects is to increase my expertise in javascript, finding out new things, playing with new technologies and make life easier for developers.

I do this job with passion, both at work and during my free time.