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Sergey Volosevich

Sergey Volosevich has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I first discovered meditation from reading various spiritual books in my mid-twenties, starting with Celestine Prophecy. I consider Conversations with God to be the gateway book, because after devouring that series about 4 times I read everything I could on metaphysics, meditation, and spirituality. My first direct experiences with meditation were pretty underwhelming. I was attending a class on the upper west side of manhattan, in the bell tower of a church, and I never felt like I was getting anywhere. I tried it in yoga class too, but I was stiff and couldn’t sit comfortably for more than a few minutes.

It wasn’t until I was introduced to a meditation teacher years later, in Los Angeles, that I began to truly experience a depth of awareness in meditation. Having a proper teacher made all of the difference in me being a meditation dabbler versus becoming a daily meditator. Now I meditate every day like clockwork, and enjoy the deepest experiences imaginable.