Hi! I'm an Android development with 3 years of experience with Java (Kotlin) and Android SDK. My experience consists of developing 8 large commercial apps (Five of which you can see in my "projects" section) and many smaller ones. Most of those were built from the ground-up by myself. I had developed Android app for my portfolio.kindly install my app in play store and find the attached resume.I hope you like my app. Google Play Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.selvekumar.portfolio&hl=en Libraries and frameworks that I work with: - Java / Kotlin - Material Design - Retrofit2 - Google Play Services - Firebase Auth / Realtime Database - Facebook / Google / Twitter SDK integration - Push notifications - ButterKnife - Glide / Picasso / Fresco - SQlite - JUnit / Espresso / Mockito - Maps / Google Location APIs - Google / Firebase analytics - Web Sockets - In-app Billing - Payment integration - Json/XML - Third party Library customization