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Seetharaman GR

Seetharaman GR has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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18+ months of expertise in design and developing Blockchain applications using Ethereum, Corda, Hyperledger for various real global customer implementations. Having solid understanding on each platforms and other software components needs to develop.

I have been developing software for six plus years in different stack of technologies. Having solid understanding and experience in software design and development, now I'm working on design and development of Blockchain use cases.

It involves discussing the use case and splitting the components, identify the right platforms choice of development, architecture the application in various layers.

Blockchain development contains various layers, starting from web development, designing the Blockchain network, keeping the privacy metrics, integrating with business applications, converting the business rules in solid smart contracts in different platforms.

Identify the use provisioning methods, ability to develop the various components needs which involves the full stack development like web, mobile, API's.

Having the strong foundation on psychology of each platform and also how Blockchain works onto the core. I do spend lots of time following up the recent changes and architectures followed to develop the applications on top of Blockchain the identify the root cause it was used.

I have developed applications using Ethereum, Corda, Quorum for different use cases. Some of the applications are pilot phase. Also having knowledge on Hyperledger fabric, Composer.

I create contents on Blockchain for developers, actively participate and conduct sessions on Blockchain. Completed the IBM certifications on Blockchain.

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