I'm a programmer, writer, and a game creator and lover of sorts. I enjoy all sorts of activities such as working on my PHP board at dimensionproject.com and finding new methods of making scripts nicer and easier to understand.
I am a bit picky when it comes to the code's looks so I usually format it in a specific way such as:
//This was a bit tricky to show with this editor. I think I am getting the hang of it, perhaps.
$whatever = "what";
function ex($varible)
if ($variable == "example")
$variable = "Not anymore!";
return $variable;
if ($whatever == "test")
$whatever = ex($whatever); //does nothing really
$whatever = "ever"; //Last comment really explains this whole thing actually.
print "Bad news, your variable whatever has been hit on the head and turned into $whatever.";
Mainly showing the way I make all brackets {} alined so it is easier to see and even if you don't need them, I use them anyways. I keep a loop within a loop or function one space over (the i of the if is alined with the {}.) In addition, in PHP I usually use print for some reason over echo. I've heard some things here and there but still use it due to older programming days. I prefer double quotes over single quotes too for another reason. Probably because I use words like "I'm" or that uses single quotes often so I get to escape less, unless I print off HTML which still uses double quotes as well. I guess that's about it for my programming. Oh, I program in PHP, c++, java (or going to), and a few misc ones I forgot. Still learning but my biggest is probably PHP with years of experience.
I'm also a writer which is the reason dimensionproject.com even exists. Be sure to check the site out. Although currently it redirects you to my DA page. I've created a few games you most definitely don't know such as Laser Jame and A Kingrayon's Tale. Although the later isn't released yet.
Feel free to get a hold of me should you want to chat with me about any of the above, especially programming. Hope you enjoyed reading!