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Scott has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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My background is in Mechanical Engineering. I have a MSME and learned C in an optics lab where I built an electro-optic interferometer as a research assistant. I worked with this newfangled thing called a CCD camera to form digital holograms from LASER light. A CCD camera is now what we call a digital camera. Those were the days! I started coding in C++ when Borland released their wonderful compiler. I eventually ended up in Windows based programming using C++, VB, and later C#. I’ve remained close to mechanical engineering building software for the machine vibration analysis industry. I’m well versed in signal processing and numerical analysis in general. The past few years have been spent building and expert system for automated diagnosis of machine vibration. I picked up Lua programming along the way and am a huge fan. I never thought I would appreciate another language as much as my first love, C++, but Lua is just a joy to work with, and it’s complimentary to C/C++ so it’s OK 

Scott questions