I have been working as a programmer since 2012. I like C# programming and also I do coding in JAVA. I know SOLID and OOP and also I am familiar with AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), in addition I have good knowledge about DI and I work with unity, also I have experience with ORM tools in .Net I use EF ( mostly code first) and with JAVA I use Hibernate. Not only I have experience as Back-End programmer, but also I work as Front-End programmer. I work some project using JQuery,java script and bootstrap. Also, I know about AngularJS.
I am strict about clean code, refactoring and using Git.
I work on some online web sites, for example http://www.mokhbernews.ir is one of my works. It has a engine that is collecting news from different Persian sites and categorize them and find related news and show them to viewers.
If you like you can be in touch with me by my E-mail address : [email protected]