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Saraf Talukder

Saraf Talukder has asked 0 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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Hello and welcome to my blog. I am Saraf Talukder, and call myself a semi-geek because, unlike how the definition for geek goes, I managed to have a wonderful married life, enjoy travelling around the world, enjoy a bit of photography with my latest Cannon 6D, sneaking out for a movie every now and then I am sure a GEEK! doesnt normally enjoy these privileges :). So why semi-geek? Well, apart from everything mentioned above, I still manage spend 12+ hours every day with my laptop, doing anything and everything that related to the world of programming.

Currently I live in London and working for an Investment bank building complex applications for the traders. Over the years I have managed to acquire several industry wide experiences including but not limited to Taxation, Telecom, and for the last few years Investment banking in Fx and Client Management.

Secretly I have a passion for working on all upcoming technologies and last few years, I have managed to dedicate a fair amount of my free time regularly to experiment with various mobile technologies starting from iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8. Until today I have over a dozen games and apps published under my company Philino Technologies Ltd. You can see the apps list => here

Find my contributions on Codeplex : Codeplex - Saraf Talukder Codeproject : Codeproject - Saraf Talukder I am active on twitter and you can follow me on : @realsaraf