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Samuel Dervis

Samuel Dervis has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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My goal is to provide better tools to people to perform their work.

I believe that using languages are the most important tools because we use them to think about our ideas, communicate and express them.

To me, programming is a way of looking at things.

As a painter understand the world through his art, I use programming as a way to reason about phenomena and model them.

I believe that software is a tool which improve so many of our activities: by providing software we can open so many possibilities.

Software should support our own skills

People have unique skills and competencies and software should be there to complement them, to help them performin analysis quickly, to help them visualize ideas, to run checks and calculations for them. So that people can focus on using their abilities to provide more value.

To me building software means to provide tools to people.