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Samer Awajan

Samer Awajan has asked 3 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Information technology expert particularly in logistics and ecommerce industries, ultimately deriving IT strategy, building digital services and enterprise wide systems.

At present, I am currently focused on building products by partnering with startups that aim to challenge the way we do things, create jobs and support economic growth. I do offer consulting and advisory services to few select companies with regards to digital transformation, system implementation and IT in general.

Earlier on, and being a senior executive and chief technology officer at Aramex, we got to do some super cool stuff when it came to stretching technology for ecommerce needs, goods delivery and logistics experiences. For me, it was all about exploring and discovering what is new that can elevate the internal and external customer journey.

My passion for technology and engineering can be tracked to pre-professional days in university and school. The reason? I am always thrilled on how science and technology can simplify our life and make humans and organizations achieve higher goals.

Talk to me about: Cloud computing, logistics and ecommerce, software development and diverse tech topics.