6 years of experience in the Software Development field which includes mobile application development, Backend REST API Creation using Java, Spring Boot, Servlets, and frontend Frameworks like Angular, HTML, CSS, JS that also includes third party application integration like SAP, IBM MQ, and QMATIC
Frontend: Android, iOS, Angular 8 and 9
Backend: REST API, SOAP API, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Security, JPA, JDBC, Servlets, Hibernate
Languages: Java, Kotlin, Swift, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
Database: MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Realm, Firebase Cloud Store, Firebase Realtime Database
Servers: Tomcat, Wildfly, JBoss, Eureka (Microservices), Firebase
Version Control Systems: GitHub, Bitbucket
Dev Lifecycle:
: IBM MQ, SAP, Finacle Services, Ivanti