Tagline: Sr. Full Stack Drupal Developer at KPITB, Pursuing Masters in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence using Python
Web Development Expertise: HTML/CSS/Bootstrap 4.x, JavaScript (ES6 and beyond), OOPHP7.x/MYSQL, Drupal CMS (6,7,8), Version Control using Git, Drush, Well versed with Drupal site building, custom theme development and module development, WordPress
Data Science Expertise: Python, SciPy, SciKit, TensforFlow and PyTorch and other ML and DL libraries and frameworks. Well versed with a majority of ML and DL models and algorithms i.e SVM, Random Forest, NaiveBayes, Logistic Regression, Linear Regression Regression, KNN, Decision Tree, RNN, CNN, Bi-LSTM, etc.