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Saaqib Mahmood

Saaqib Mahmood has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I'm a visually impaired person and a student of mathematics, with particular interest in mathematical analysis, topology, functional analysis, abstract and linear algebra, complex analysis, graph theory, and number theory. However, there is still plenty that I still need to learn!

As someone who is studying on his own with little tutorial support or peer, I find (Mathematics) Stack Exchange to be such an invaluable resource!

These days, I'm teaching BS in Mathematics courses at a college under the administrative control of the Department of Higher Education, Government of KP (formerly NWFP), here in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Although I try to put in a lot of effort into my teaching, my eyesight problem makes the job a real challenge, which I often relish!

Apart from mathematics, I'm also into Unified English Braille (UEB) and accessibility software like JAWS and ZoomText. Last year, I even started learning the Python programming language through the MIT OCW but just couldn't finish it through. I hope to be able to pick it up again soon. I aspire to be able to write customization scripts for JAWS and NVDA computer screen readers, the latter of which has been coded in Python.

A keen learner of the English language myself, I'm these days volunteering in a project for providing, either for free or at very low prices, the international standard English language materials to the blind and visually impaired people of Pakistan through the medium of the Unified English Braille (UEB). Toward that end, I've so far taken as many as three online courses in the UEB and am nowadays reading through the UEB Rulebook.

Oh, and I'm also a student of The Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired. These days, I'm pursuing the Hadley's course "Chess: Principles and Strategies"; I've already completed the Hadley's first chess course, namely "Chess for Beginners". The course materials for both these Hadley courses are in braille.

And, just a couple of days ago, I've also enrolled myself for the edx / Microsoft course on the HTML & CSS, which I hope to complete in a reasonable amount of time.

My contact info is as follows:

Phone (Mobile + WhatsApp): 0092-334-541-7958 & 0092-346-952-7638 Skype ID: saaqib.mahmood Email: [email protected]

So please feel free to contact me if you need or wish to, but please do not exchange my contact info with any third party, especially any ad or marketing agency, without my prior consent.

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