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Russell Richie

Russell Richie has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I am currently a post-doc with Sudeep Bhatia in the Computational Behavioral Science Lab of the Department of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. I previously received my PhD in Developmental Psychology at the University of Connecticut. There I primarily worked in the Language Creation Lab under the mentorship of Marie Coppola, and in the SoLab under Whit Tabor. I was also a fellow in the Language Plasticity -- Genes, Brain, Cognition, & Computation IGERT (which is now the Neurobiology of Language program), and an affiliate of the CT Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

My interests include cognitive science in general, and language in particular. At the moment (July 22, 2019, 12:58PM), most of my recent work concerns (a) semantic representations of words (and sometimes sentences) obtained through psychometric or natural language processing techniques, and (b) the judgments and decisions people make based on those representations. Previously, I've been interested in questions about how people represent and process prosodic information, as well as questions about the emergence of language and particularly conventional referring expressions (what we might roughly call 'the lexicon'). Over the years, my research has involved natural language processing, computational modeling, and behavioral studies in the lab, the field, and online.