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Ron Skufca

Ron Skufca has asked 8 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I am a senior software engineer working in the .Net core ecosystem. I have a passion for architecture because, today’s technology changes so fast that creating solutions which stand the test of time is a major challenge.

But having a good architecture alone is not enough anymore. You must deliver something of value. Who cares if you have a world changing idea, if it takes you 2 years to deliver you might be too late. The average software developer loves to write code and that’s ok, but I love to solve problems, both technical and non-technical. This is why understanding the entire Software Development Life Cycle and how it brings value to the world is so important to me.

Writing code in some editor is but a means to an end. It is literally one of the final steps in a process that starts with some version of following question: “This task is a pain, it takes me too long to do this. I wish there was an easier way” This is my mission, to take all the above questions and apply modern software development practices to make someone’s life a little bit easier.

When I am not trying to make the world more efficient or torturing myself trying to understand how the crazy world of front end development meets the world of C# application architecture I spend my time outdoors with my family.