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Ron Barr

Ron Barr has asked 4 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I've worked in the computer business for many years. After a hiatus, I've returned to software development.

I was a software developer the first 5 years after I received my CS degree from the U of Illinois in Champaign. I wrote commercial applications for newspapers for the PDP-8, PDP-11 and VAX while working for DEC, and then as a free-lancer for the HP-85, IBM PC and Apple ///. As part of a startup, I wrote the business database app Keystroke for the Apple /// and Lisa. Keystroke was a Macintosh launch app and ran (very slowly) off of diskette on the 128k Mac.

I spent the next several years in product marketing, support operations, channel operations, corporate marketing, and loyalty marketing. I was head of Apple's corporate presentation team and a product marketing manager there. I created and ran Logitech's worldwide loyalty marketing team.

I also have been a member of the founding team of several young companies as head of marketing.

Now I've gone back to my roots and I'm writing code again. My first app, Happy Now, is on the App Store, and I'm writing another new app for the healthcare industry. I'm open to help design and build a next great app with someone else. I've written code now for Audible, Netflix, SmartThings, Jobox and now Amazon.

For fun, I've done a lot of improv and standup comedy. I also play and watch basketball.

Catch you on the flip-flop!