My knowledge timeline: 1997: Took a MS-DOS course class forced by my mom. 1998: learned mIRC scripting by exploring other mIRC scripts. 1999: Used to bring my printed version of The Linux Manual to school. 2000: C by reading books. 2003: took a Java class at Sun Microsystem so I could partner up with a friend as CTO on a eBay clone. 2005: Figured out Rails solved most of the problems I was having with Java so I switched. 2007: Bought a Objective-C book so I could write applications on my Mac. 2008: iPhone SDK released so you could write apps using Objective C. 2009: Attended the full-week iPhone Development Bootcamp at Big Nerd Rench in Atlanta. 2016: Attended full-week User Experience course at Caelum in São Paulo. 2019: Started to work on an AndroidStudio project using Java again.