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Rodrigo Alvarez

Rodrigo Alvarez has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I’m a Software Engineer, graduated from the School of Engineering (University of the Republic, Montevideo - Uruguay), with more than 5 years of experience in several technologies related to web development and solid theoretical and practical knowledge. I consider myself, first of all, someone responsible and professional, a person with initiative, dedicated, creative and perfectionist in what I do. I learn things easily, I perform perfectly alone and I adapt very well to group work. What I like most is to design and develop systems that are good solutions for the needs of people, using the latest technologies. I learned to program in a self-taught way when I was 15, when they gave me my first computer for my birthday. But since I was 12 I knew that this career was going to be my vocation and my favorite pastime.

My website :) where you can see the projects I'm working on https://www.ogirdorsystems.com/

Rodrigo Alvarez questions