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Robert L Davis

Robert L Davis has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I am a Sr. Product Consultant for Idera and a SQL Server 2008 Certified Master. I was the Program Manager for the SQL Server Certified Master program. Previously, I worked as a production DBA at Microsoft and have worked with SQL Server for more than 12 years.

I helped found and serve as the site administrator for the Data Architecture SQL PASS Virtual Chapter. I was primary author of the book Pro SQL Server 2008 Mirroring. I ofte speak or present at SQL Server events on a variety of topics.

I write articles and product reviews for SQL Server Magazine. I was a charter member of the Idera ACEs program (Advisors and Community Educators).

Outside of work, I am married with two German Shepherds named Maggie and Woody. I am also an avid hobby writer. I frequently blog about SQL Server topics at www.SQLSoldier.com, and I also enjoy writing horror fiction, much of which is posted online at www.writerscafe.org/Rawhide. I am active on Twitter as @SQLSoldier.

Robert L Davis questions