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RobAtStackOverflow has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Skills: PHP + MySQL (PDO connection) HTML/CSS/JS - Including very basic design. I am more of a coder than designer, if at all a designer ;) CompTIA A+ and several Microsoft Quals.

I am a (reasonably) young person, who likes to explore the IT industry. I went from learning HTML at school, to quickly moving on to ASP within weeks. After exploring better options, I came across PHP and have since coded in PHP and MySQL.

In between all of this, I've always been into the hardware and software side of computers, exploring how and why things work. Rebuilding PC's was trivial for me, I wanted a challenge - Debugging; What has caused said issue? And exploring the avenues surrounding the problem and coming up with a fix.

After leaving school I went to college, and gained a BTEC 1st Diploma in computing, and very shortly after that, I went on an apprentice and came out with Microsoft (MCP, Networking Fundamentals, OS fundamentals and more) and CompTIA A+ quals.

As of 2013 however, I am looking into scalability - How do I setup my own mini-datacentre, and to make it more of a challenge I am attempting to do so with Linux. Although I am not a complete novice with Linux, I'd honestly say I'm not quite there to call myself fully adept with it.

RobAtStackOverflow questions