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rmblstrp has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I started Elevated Software Inc after completing a 2700-mile self-supported solo bicycle ride across the country. Before I embarked on my adventure I built a website which would allow visitors to track my location, photos, and progress updates in near real-time either through the website itself or through Facebook. Upon returning home I began turning that site into a tool that would allow other people track their adventures in much the same way I did.

I built Rumble|Strip using C# and ASP.NET backed by SQL Server 2014 and Redis with plans to migrate to PostgreSQL using NHibernate. The companion mobile application for Android was built using Xamarin and natively for Windows Phone with the iOS version currently in development. The application is built as an API like library so each platform need only to implement a user interface that is native to the particular platform. A benefit to writing both the website and mobile application in C# is that the data structures that are exposed though the site’s REST API can share the same source code file.

rmblstrp questions