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Ricky Mau

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Title: I’ve always been a tinkerer:

At age 9 (1981), I had made a bone conduction headphone by stripping the leads from the headset wires of a Walkman, and connected the two leads onto the terminal of a small DC motor. When I bit down on the little plastic gear. I could hear the music in my ear.

At age 10 (1982) I had my first encounter with programming Basic on a Casio calculator FX-700P, programming my first "Ninja" game, on a 1 line x 12 characters plus a 4 digit seven segment display was very satisfying and I was hooked.

At age 11 (1983), I had my first PC encounter with a Apple II clone called Pineapple.

At age 16 (1988), Got a Commodore64. I started my Basic adventure.

At age 20 (1992), Got myself a copy of HotMetal and taught myself HTML 1.0.

At age 21 (1993 to 1995), Taught HTML at my local community center. I then gotten a 386 and windows 3.x started tinkering with it.

At age 25 (1997 to 1998), Obtained MSP and MCSE certified. Pick up networking from a technical school (CCIA) along the way.

At age 27 (1999), ICON (former IT Giant) Worked a consultant job. Got on a NT 4.0 migration project at Bear Sterns as the lead engineer. We migrated the entire company at Park Ave. To run NT 4.0. on 1500+ PC.

At age 27 to 38, (Nov 1999 - 2010) I work for a proprietary technology company. An spend the next 15 years at NICE system. I was their very first tech/support/trainer for their digital video management solution. I picked up H263/264 very quickly, worked my way through the company. All while building servers, cluster, Sequel replication, etc. Working as a tech, then solution engineer and solution designer. Even got on the DD-WRT band wagon.

At age 38 to 41 (2011 to 2014) While still working at NICE. Worked as a project manager and gotten my Project Management certification. Helping call center and other large enterprise to address their internal audio needs. And started to deploy VoIP solution through out the country.

At age 42 to now (2014 to now), I picked up programming Arduino and Raspberry Pi during this time. Bought a Hakko FX888D, a few 555 timer along with many miscellanies parts. Built a myriad of small electronic devices.

Recently, I've got onto the Harvard/MIT open course ware and started following their computer science curriculum (MIT 6.00 CS). Hop onto the W3school HTML5/CSS bandwagon. Signed up with Udemy, CodeAcademy, Cursear, edX, Udacity and Google android training.

Thank you for reading this far.

P.S. I had to reduced this from 9 thousand to 3 thousand characters.

Ricky Mau questions