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Rick Hightower works at Mammatus Inc. where he focuses on cloud computing, NoSQL, EC2, and scalable Java, Python and PHP development. Rick was a Java editor for InfoQ, and now is an editor at InfoQ focusing on NoSQL.

He is author of the best-selling book Java Tools for Extreme Programming (#1 SW development book on Amazon for 3 months) and coauthor of Professional Struts and Struts Live (#1 download on TheServerSide.com 2004-2007).

He was a Zone Leader for JavaLobby and was on the editorial board for the Java Developer's Journal (and writes for the JDJ on occasion). In addition, he writes for IBM developerWorks (Python, Pyjamas, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, JSF, Facelets, etc.) He was also once the NoSQL editor at InfoQ.

Rick has spoken at JavaOne, XP Universe, SD West, SD East, etc., over 20 different conferences as well as being a speaker at many user group meetings (like JUGS in San Jose, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, Los Angeles, etc.) on topics ranging from Spring AOP to Facelets.

Rick has 26 software development certifications and has been director of development at three different software development firms as well as CTO of two different consulting/training companies before founding ArcMind Inc. in 2003.